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Psychological test 1 영문에쎄이

Psychological test 1

1. Suppose that you are in a magic world. You received 4 treasures from a nice magician on your way to the human world. They were the mask, the jar, the wings and the cake of the magic. On your way home, a witch who wants to steal your treasures stopped you. Even though you tried to protect them, you were unable to defeat her. So you were constrained to give her the one of your treasures. If so, what would you throw away among them? cake
2. On your way to the human world after throwing away the one treasure, before long, you met a scary monster. It was a terrible journey. Of course you had to give him one of your treasures. Now what is the treasure that you’d give him? jar
3. You came back to your way home, now you had a last door. But the monster who watches the door wanted the treasure of the magic. What would you give up between last two treasures? wing
4. Now you are in a human world. What do you have now? mask

You can know your value through this test. The treasure which remained until last means what it is most important for you.

The mask of the magic: self respect, pride
The jar of the magic: money
The wings of the magic: freedom
The cake of the magic: love

Psychological test 2

1. When do you feel best in a day?
a. in the morning
b. in the afternoon or early evening
c. at late night

2. When you walk, you usually
a. walk fast and with large footstep
b. walk fast and with small footstep
c. walk a little fast with raising your head and face to the world directly
d. walk a little fast with watching the ground
e. walk very slowly

3. When you talk with people, you talk with
a. folding your arms
b. hand in hand
c. touching your heap with your hand or both hands
d. touching or pushing the person who is talking with you lightly
e. fingering your ears or chin, or combing your hair with your hand

4. When you take a rest comfortably, you
a. sit with keeping your legs bended and your legs close to each other
b. sit with crossing your legs
c. sit with straightening your legs
d. sit on your leg which is folded

5. When you have something very fun, you
a. laugh loudly with not hiding your pleasure
b. laugh but not loudly
c. laugh silently
d. just smile shyly

6. When you are in the place where is crowded with people like a party, you
a. appear there splendidly with attracting some attention
b. appear there calmly with looking round so that perhaps if I can find someone I know
c. appear there silently in order to attract any attention as possible

7. As I am concentrating something completely, someone interrupt me, you
a. welcome the chance of taking a rest
b. get angry
c. somewhere between them above

8. What is your favorite color among below?
a. red or orange
b. black
c. yellow or light blue
d. green
e. dark blue or purple
f. white
g. brown or gray

9. When you are about to sleep, you
a. lay straight
b. lay on your face and straighten you body
c. lay on your side with stooping yourself roundly
d. lay your head on your arm
e. lay your head under the pillow

10. I often dream that
a. I fall down from the sky
b. I fight with someone
c. I look for someone or something
d. I fly
e. I don’t often dream
f. feels good

Sum the point
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g
1 2 4 6
2 6 4 7 2 1
3 4 2 5 7 6
4 4 6 2 1
5 6 4 3 5 2
6 6 4 2
7 6 2 4
8 6 7 5 4 3 2 1
9 7 6 4 2 1
10 4 2 3 5 6 1
The explanation of the results

Case of above 60 point
You have vanity and are an egoist and you want to control people. Although there is someone who envy and admire you and even want to be like you, they worry if they are close to you and don’t trust you.

Case of between 51 and 60 point
You get angry easily, are temperamental and a man of impulse. You are the type of the person who is a leader, you can decide a decision fast. You are the person who is adventurous and try to do anything at least once. The people who are close to you are leaded you by your leadership.

Case of between 41 and 50 point
The people around you think you cheerful, charming, funny, and always happy. You have any attention anywhere. You are kind and nice. You can understand others well. You make someone happy. Even when he has a problem, you are willing to help him.

Case of between 31 and 40 point
Your image that other people think you is that you are a smart, prudent, and realistic person. In spite you have talents and abilities, you are known for a humble person. Even though when you make friends, you don’t approach them easily, once you make friends, you treat your friends with respect and doing your best. You have firm faith of your friends so it is too difficult to break your relationship. But once you loss your faith, it will take you a long time and is too difficult to return your relationship.

Case of between 21 and 30 point
You are sticky, fastidious and stubborn. You are always cautious. You advance constantly and slowly. People think you that when you deal with some problem, after you consider it by a kind of aspect, you reject that. Your friends think that it is because of your personality.

Case of below 21 point
The acquaintance around you think you irresolution, and timid. Someone have to care of you. Someone has to decide that instead of you even if it is your own event. You avoid to concern with others problem. You are the person who find problems which is not existed, want to solve that. Although the people who know you well know that it is not true, most people without them think you boring.

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